Sunday, May 31, 2015

While Iran negotiates on nuke, it has been busy ....

Iran is busy on:

  1. Funding shiite militias in Iraq and taking over the government
  2. Backing Houthi rebels in overthrowing the Yemen government
  3. Arresting and holding four Americans without trial of charge
  4. Executing 1500 political dissidents, religious minorities and women
  5. Baking Syria's war and giving birth to ISIS
  6. Passing laws legalizing child marriages and misogyny in Iran
Iran's mullahs want nuclear deal only to end sanctions and bring in $100 billions in immediate cash with billions more to follow in trade, foreign investments and oil sales.
It's not about doing a deal, only the right deal.
Contact your representative and senator, ask them to hold Iran accountable.

For more insight, read this article: Can a strong agreement be possible when there are doubts about nuclear program in Iran?

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